Base Spider

class kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders.base_spider.BaseSpider(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for all spiders.

With respect to the data’s source:

  • If the source can support from_date and until_date spider arguments:

    • Set a date_format class attribute to “date”, “datetime”, “year” or “year-month” (default “date”).

    • Set a default_from_date class attribute to a date (“YYYY-MM-DD”), datetime (“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS”), year (“YYYY”) or year-month (“YYYY-MM”).

    • If the source stopped publishing, set a default_until_date class attribute to a date or datetime.

  • If the spider requires date parameters to be set, add a date_required = True class attribute, and set the date_format and default_from_date class attributes as above.

  • If the spider needs to parse the JSON response in its parse method, set dont_truncate = True.


If date_required is True, or if either the from_date or until_date spider arguments are set, then from_date defaults to the default_from_date class attribute, and until_date defaults to the get_default_until_date() return value (which is the current time, by default).

With respect to the data’s format:

  • If the data is not encoded using UTF-8, set an encoding class attribute to its encoding.

  • If the data is concatenated JSON, add a concatenated_json = True class attribute.

  • If the data is line-delimited JSON, add a line_delimited = True class attribute.

  • If the data can be invalid JSON, add a validate_json = True class attribute.

  • If the data embeds OCDS data within other objects or arrays, set a root_path class attribute to the path to the OCDS data, e.g. 'releasePackage' or 'results.item'.

  • If the data is in CSV or XLSX format, add a unflatten = True class attribute to convert it to JSON using Flatten Tool’s unflatten function. To pass arguments to unflatten, set a unflatten_args dict.

  • If the data source uses OCDS 1.0, add an ocds_version = '1.0' class attribute. This is used for the Kingfisher Process extension.

With respect to support for Kingfisher Collect’s features:

  • If the spider doesn’t work with the pluck command, set a skip_pluck class attribute to the reason.

VALID_DATE_FORMATS = {'date': '%Y-%m-%d', 'datetime': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', 'year': '%Y', 'year-month': '%Y-%m'}
date_required = False
dont_truncate = False
encoding = 'utf-8'
concatenated_json = False
line_delimited = False
validate_json = False
root_path = ''
unflatten = False
unflatten_args = {}
ocds_version = '1.1'
max_attempts = 1
retry_http_codes = []
available_steps = {'check', 'compile'}
date_format = 'date'
classmethod update_settings(settings)[source]
classmethod from_crawler(crawler, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Return the date argument as a datetime object.


Return whether the response’s status is a non-2xx code.


Return whether the response’s status is retryable.

Set the retry_http_codes class attribute to a list of status codes to retry.


Return the formatted start time of the crawl.


Return the number of seconds to wait before retrying a URL.

build_request(url, formatter, **kwargs)[source]

Return a Scrapy request, with a file name added to the request’s meta attribute. If the file name doesn’t have a .json, .csv, .xlsx, .rar or .zip extension, it adds a .json extension.

If the last component of a URL’s path is unique, use it as the file name. For example:

>>> from kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders import BaseSpider
>>> from kingfisher_scrapy.util import components
>>> url = ''
>>> formatter = components(-1)
>>> BaseSpider(name='my_spider').build_request(url, formatter=formatter).meta
{'file_name': 'package.json'}

To use a query string parameter as the file name:

>>> from kingfisher_scrapy.util import parameters
>>> url = ''
>>> formatter = parameters('page')
>>> BaseSpider(name='my_spider').build_request(url, formatter=formatter).meta
{'file_name': 'page-1.json'}

To use a URL path component and a query string parameter as the file name:

>>> from kingfisher_scrapy.util import join
>>> url = ''
>>> formatter = join(components(-1), parameters('page'))
>>> BaseSpider(name='my_spider').build_request(url, formatter=formatter).meta
{'file_name': 'packages-page-1.json'}
  • url (str) – the URL to request

  • formatter – a function that accepts a URL and returns a file name


a Scrapy request

Return type:


build_file_from_response(response, /, *, data_type, **kwargs)[source]

Return a File item to yield, based on the response to a request.

If the response body starts with a byte-order mark, it is removed.

build_file(*, file_name=None, url=None, data_type=None, data=None)[source]

Return a File item to yield.

build_file_item(number, data, item)[source]

Return a FileItem item to yield.

build_file_error_from_response(response, errors=None)[source]

Return a FileError item to yield, based on the response to a request.

An errors keyword argument must be a dict, and should set an http_code key.

classmethod get_default_until_date(spider)[source]

Return the default_until_date class attribute if truthy. Otherwise, return the current time.