Source code for kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders.compressed_file_spider

import os
from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile

from rarfile import RarFile

from kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders import BaseSpider
from kingfisher_scrapy.exceptions import UnknownArchiveFormatError
from kingfisher_scrapy.items import File
from kingfisher_scrapy.util import get_file_name_and_extension, handle_http_error

[docs] class CompressedFileSpider(BaseSpider): """ This class makes it easy to collect data from ZIP or RAR files. It assumes all files have the same data type. Each compressed file is saved to disk. The archive file is *not* saved to disk. #. Inherit from ``CompressedFileSpider`` #. Set a ``data_type`` class attribute to the data type of the compressed files #. Optionally, add a ``resize_package = True`` class attribute to split large packages (e.g. greater than 100MB) #. Optionally, add a ``yield_non_archive_file = True`` class attribute if the spider requests both archive files and JSON files. Otherwise, the spider raises an ``UnknownArchiveFormatError`` exception. #. Optionally, add a ``file_name_must_contain = 'text'`` class attribute to only decompress the files whose names contain the given text. #. Optionally, add a ``file_name_must_not_contain = 'text'`` class attribute to only decompress the files whose names do not contain the given text. #. Write a ``start_requests()`` method to request the archive files .. code-block:: python from kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders import CompressedFileSpider from kingfisher_scrapy.util import components class MySpider(CompressedFileSpider): name = 'my_spider' # CompressedFileSpider data_type = 'release_package' def start_requests(self): yield self.build_request('', formatter=components(-1)) .. note:: ``concatenated_json = True``, ``line_delimited = True``, ``root_path``, ``data_type = 'release'`` and ``data_type = 'record'`` are not supported if ``resize_package = True``. """ # BaseSpider dont_truncate = True yield_non_archive_file = False resize_package = False file_name_must_contain = '' file_name_must_not_contain = ''
[docs] @handle_http_error def parse(self, response): archive_name, archive_format = get_file_name_and_extension(response.request.meta['file_name']) # NOTE: If support is added for additional archive formats, remember to update the `Data` type in ``. if archive_format == 'zip': cls = ZipFile elif archive_format == 'rar': cls = RarFile elif self.yield_non_archive_file: yield self.build_file_from_response(response, data_type=self.data_type) return else: raise UnknownArchiveFormatError(response.request.meta['file_name']) # If we use a context manager here, the archive file might close before the item pipeline reads from the file # handlers of the compressed files. archive_file = cls(BytesIO(response.body)) number = 1 for file_info in archive_file.infolist(): # Avoid reading the rest of a large file, since the rest of the items will be dropped. if self.sample and number > self.sample: break filename = file_info.filename basename = os.path.basename(filename) if ( self.file_name_must_contain not in basename or self.file_name_must_not_contain and self.file_name_must_not_contain in basename or filename.startswith('__MACOSX') or archive_format == 'rar' and file_info.isdir() or archive_format == 'zip' and file_info.is_dir() ): continue if not basename.endswith('.json'): basename += '.json' compressed_file = # If `resize_package = True`, then we need to open the file twice: once to extract the package metadata and # then to extract the releases themselves. if self.resize_package: data = {'data': compressed_file, 'package':} else: data = compressed_file yield File( file_name=f'{archive_name}-{basename}', url=response.request.url, data_type=self.data_type, data=data, ) number += 1