Source code for kingfisher_scrapy.extensions.kingfisher_process_api2

import functools
import json
import threading
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import requests
from scrapy import signals
from scrapy.exceptions import NotConfigured
from yapw import methods
from yapw.clients import Async

from kingfisher_scrapy.items import FileError, PluckedItem

[docs] class Client(Async): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ready = False
[docs] def exchange_ready(self): self.ready = True
[docs] def reset(self): super().reset() self.ready = False
[docs] class KingfisherProcessAPI2: """ If the ``KINGFISHER_API2_URL``, ``RABBIT_URL``, ``RABBIT_EXCHANGE_NAME`` and ``RABBIT_ROUTING_KEY`` environment variables or configuration settings are set, then OCDS data is stored in Kingfisher Process, incrementally. When the spider is opened, a collection is created in Kingfisher Process via its web API. The API also receives the ``note`` and ``steps`` spider arguments (if set) and the spider's ``ocds_version`` class attribute. When an item is scraped, a message is published to the exchange for Kingfisher Process in RabbitMQ, with the path to the file written by the :class:`~kingfisher_scrapy.extensions.files_store.FilesStore` extension. When the spider is closed, the collection is closed in Kingfisher Process via its web API, unless the ``keep_collection_open`` spider argument was set to ``'true'``. The API also receives the crawl statistics and the reason why the spider was closed. .. note:: If the ``DATABASE_URL`` environment variable or configuration setting is set, this extension is disabled and the :class:`~kingfisher_scrapy.extensions.database_store.DatabaseStore` extension is enabled. .. note:: This extension ignores items generated by the :ref:`pluck` command. """ def __init__(self, url, stats, rabbit_url, rabbit_exchange_name, rabbit_routing_key): self.url = url self.stats = stats self.routing_key = rabbit_routing_key self.client = Client(url=rabbit_url, exchange=rabbit_exchange_name, routing_key_template="{routing_key}") # The collection ID is set by the spider_opened handler. self.collection_id = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler): url = crawler.settings['KINGFISHER_API2_URL'] rabbit_url = crawler.settings['RABBIT_URL'] rabbit_exchange_name = crawler.settings['RABBIT_EXCHANGE_NAME'] rabbit_routing_key = crawler.settings['RABBIT_ROUTING_KEY'] if crawler.settings['DATABASE_URL']: raise NotConfigured('DATABASE_URL is set.') if not url: raise NotConfigured('KINGFISHER_API2_URL is not set.') if not rabbit_url: raise NotConfigured('RABBIT_URL is not set.') if not rabbit_exchange_name: raise NotConfigured('RABBIT_EXCHANGE_NAME is not set.') if not rabbit_routing_key: raise NotConfigured('RABBIT_ROUTING_KEY is not set.') extension = cls(url, crawler.stats, rabbit_url, rabbit_exchange_name, rabbit_routing_key) crawler.signals.connect(extension.spider_opened, signal=signals.spider_opened) crawler.signals.connect(extension.item_scraped, signal=signals.item_scraped) crawler.signals.connect(extension.spider_closed, signal=signals.spider_closed) return extension
[docs] def spider_opened(self, spider): """ Sends an API request to create a collection in Kingfisher Process. """ data = { 'source_id':, 'data_version': spider.get_start_time('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'sample': bool(spider.sample), 'note': spider.kingfisher_process_note, 'job': getattr(spider, '_job', None), 'upgrade': spider.ocds_version == '1.0', } for step in spider.kingfisher_process_steps: data[step] = True # This request must be synchronous, to have the collection ID for the item_scraped handler. response = self._post_synchronous(spider, 'api/v1/create_collection', data) if response.ok: from twisted.internet import reactor self.collection_id = response.json()['collection_id'] # WARNING! If this log message is changed, update the regular expression in the data_registry/ # process_manager/task/ file in the open-contracting/data-registry repository to match.'Created collection %d in Kingfisher Process', self.collection_id) # Connect to RabbitMQ only if a collection_id is set, as other signals don't use RabbitMQ, otherwise. self.client.connect() # threading.Thread(target=cb) is used, instead of reactor.callInThread(cb), because the latter is hard to # test. The reactor needs to run for the callback to callInThread() to run. The reactor needs to stop, in # order for a test to return. But, the reactor isn't restartable. So, testing seems impossible. self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.client.connection.ioloop.run_forever) self.thread.start() # Ensure the RabbitMQ connection is closed, if an unclean shutdown is forced. reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown', self.disconnect_and_join) else: self._response_error(spider, 'Failed to create collection', response)
[docs] def spider_closed(self, spider, reason): """ Sends an API request to close the collection in Kingfisher Process. """ if not self.collection_id: return self.disconnect_and_join() if spider.pluck or spider.kingfisher_process_keep_collection_open: return response = self._post_synchronous(spider, 'api/v1/close_collection', { 'collection_id': self.collection_id, 'reason': reason, 'stats': json.loads(json.dumps(self.stats.get_stats(), default=str)) # for datetime objects }) if response.ok:'Closed collection %d in Kingfisher Process', self.collection_id) else: self._response_error(spider, 'Failed to close collection', response)
[docs] def item_scraped(self, item, spider): """ Publishes a RabbitMQ message to store the file, file item or file error in Kingfisher Process. """ if not self.collection_id: return if isinstance(item, PluckedItem): return data = { 'collection_id': self.collection_id, 'url': item.url, } if isinstance(item, FileError): data['errors'] = json.dumps(item.errors) else: data['path'] = item.path cb = functools.partial(self._when_ready, self.client.publish, data, self.routing_key) methods.add_callback_threadsafe(self.client.connection, cb) # WARNING! Kingfisher Process's API reads this value. self.stats.inc_value("kingfisher_process_expected_files_count")
[docs] def disconnect_and_join(self): """ Closes the RabbitMQ connection and joins the client's thread. """ cb = functools.partial(self._when_ready, self.client.interrupt) methods.add_callback_threadsafe(self.client.connection, cb) # Join last, to avoid blocking before scheduling interrupt. self.thread.join()
def _post_synchronous(self, spider, path, data): """ POSTs synchronous API requests to Kingfisher Process. """ url = urljoin(self.url, path) spider.logger.debug('Sending synchronous request to Kingfisher Process at %s with %s', url, data) return, json=data) def _when_ready(self, function, *args): # Scrapy can sometimes reach signals before yapw reaches exchange_ready. if self.client.ready: function(*args) else: self.client.connection.ioloop.call_soon(self._when_ready, function, *args) def _response_error(self, spider, message, response): spider.logger.error('%s: HTTP %d (%s) (%s)', message, response.status_code, response.text, response.headers)