Source code for kingfisher_scrapy.spidermiddlewares

import copy
import json
from zipfile import BadZipFile

import ijson
from scrapy.exceptions import DropItem
from scrapy.utils.log import logformatter_adapter

from kingfisher_scrapy import util
from kingfisher_scrapy.exceptions import RetryableError
from kingfisher_scrapy.items import File, FileItem


# Avoid reading the rest of a large file, since the rest of the items will be dropped.
[docs] def sample_filled(spider, number): return spider.sample and number > spider.sample
[docs] def group_size(spider): if spider.sample: return min(spider.sample, MAX_GROUP_SIZE) return MAX_GROUP_SIZE
[docs] def read_data_from_file_if_any(item): if hasattr(, 'read'): content = = content
[docs] class ConcatenatedJSONMiddleware: """ If the spider's ``concatenated_json`` class attribute is ``True``, yields each object of the File as a FileItem. Otherwise, yields the original item. """
[docs] async def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider): """ :returns: a generator of FileItem objects, in which the ``data`` field is parsed JSON """ async for item in result: if not isinstance(item, File) or not spider.concatenated_json: yield item continue data = # ijson can read from bytes or a file-like object. for number, obj in enumerate(util.transcode(spider, ijson.items, data, '', multiple_values=True), 1): if sample_filled(spider, number): return yield spider.build_file_item(number, obj, item)
[docs] class LineDelimitedMiddleware: """ If the spider's ``line_delimited`` class attribute is ``True``, yields each line of the File as a FileItem. Otherwise, yields the original item. """
[docs] async def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider): """ :returns: a generator of FileItem objects, in which the ``data`` field is bytes """ async for item in result: if not isinstance(item, File) or not spider.line_delimited: yield item continue data = # Data can be bytes or a file-like object. If bytes, split into an iterable. if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.splitlines(keepends=True) for number, line in enumerate(data, 1): if sample_filled(spider, number): return yield spider.build_file_item(number, line, item)
[docs] class ValidateJSONMiddleware: """ If the spider's ``validate_json`` class attribute is ``True``, checks if the item's ``data`` field is valid JSON. If not, yields nothing. Otherwise, yields the original item. """
[docs] async def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider): """ :returns: a generator of File or FileItem objects, in which the ``data`` field is valid JSON """ async for item in result: if not isinstance(item, (File, FileItem)) or not spider.validate_json or isinstance(, dict): yield item continue read_data_from_file_if_any(item) try: json.loads( yield item except json.JSONDecodeError: spider.crawler.stats.inc_value('invalid_json_count') # logkws = spider.crawler.logformatter.dropped(item, DropItem('Invalid JSON'), response, spider) if logkws is not None: spider.logger.log(*logformatter_adapter(logkws), extra={'spider': spider})
[docs] class RootPathMiddleware: """ If the spider's ``root_path`` class attribute is non-empty, replaces the item's ``data`` with the objects at that prefix; if there are multiple releases, records or packages at that prefix, combines them into packages in groups of 100, and updates the item's ``data_type`` if needed. Otherwise, yields the original item. """
[docs] async def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider): """ :returns: a generator of File or FileItem objects, in which the ``data`` field is parsed JSON """ async for item in result: if not isinstance(item, (File, FileItem)) or not spider.root_path: yield item continue data = # Re-encode the data, to traverse the JSON using only ijson, instead of either ijson or Python. # This is only expected to occur when both `root_path` and `concatenated_json` are set. if isinstance(data, dict): data = util.json_dumps(data).encode() iterable = util.transcode(spider, ijson.items, data, spider.root_path) if 'item' in spider.root_path.split('.'): # Two common issues in OCDS data are: # # - Multiple releases or records, without a package # - Multiple packages in a single file (often with a single release, record or OCID per package) # # Yielding each release, record or package creates a lot of overhead in terms of the number of files # written, the number of messages in RabbitMQ and the number of rows in PostgreSQL. # # We re-package in groups of 100 to reduce the overhead. is_package = 'package' in item.data_type if 'release' in item.data_type: key = 'releases' item.data_type = 'release_package' else: key = 'records' item.data_type = 'record_package' for number, items in enumerate(util.grouper(iterable, group_size(spider)), 1): if sample_filled(spider, number): return # Omit the None values returned by `grouper(*, fillvalue=None)`. items = filter(None, items) if is_package: # Assume that the `extensions` are the same for all packages. package = next(items) releases_or_records = package[key] for other in items: try: releases_or_records.extend(other[key]) except KeyError as e: spider.logger.warning('%(key)s not set in %(data)r', {'key': e, 'data': other}) else: package = {'version': spider.ocds_version, key: list(items)} yield spider.build_file_item(number, package, item) else: # Iterates at most once. for number, obj in enumerate(iterable, 1): if sample_filled(spider, number): return = obj yield item
[docs] class AddPackageMiddleware: """ If the spider's ``data_type`` class attribute is "release" or "record", wraps the item's ``data`` in an appropriate package, and updates the item's ``data_type``. Otherwise, yields the original item. """
[docs] async def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider): """ :returns: a generator of File or FileItem objects, in which the ``data`` field is parsed JSON """ async for item in result: if not isinstance(item, (File, FileItem)) or item.data_type not in ('release', 'record'): yield item continue read_data_from_file_if_any(item) data = # If the spider's ``root_path`` class attribute is non-empty, then the JSON data is already parsed. if isinstance(data, bytes): data = json.loads(data) if item.data_type == 'release': key = 'releases' else: key = 'records' = {'version': spider.ocds_version, key: [data]} item.data_type += '_package' yield item
[docs] class ResizePackageMiddleware: """ If the spider's ``resize_package`` class attribute is ``True``, splits the package into packages of 100 releases or records each. Otherwise, yields the original item. """
[docs] async def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider): """ The spider must yield items whose ``data`` field has ``package`` and ``data`` keys. :returns: a generator of FileItem objects, in which the ``data`` field is a string """ async for item in result: if not isinstance(item, File) or not getattr(spider, 'resize_package', False): yield item continue data = if item.data_type == 'release_package': key = 'releases' else: key = 'records' template = self._get_package_metadata(spider, data['package'], key, item.data_type) iterable = util.transcode(spider, ijson.items, data['data'], f'{key}.item') for number, items in enumerate(util.grouper(iterable, group_size(spider)), 1): if sample_filled(spider, number): return package = copy.deepcopy(template) # Omit the None values returned by `grouper(*, fillvalue=None)`. package[key] = list(filter(None, items)) yield spider.build_file_item(number, package, item)
def _get_package_metadata(self, spider, data, skip_key, data_type): """ Returns the package metadata from a file object. :param data: a data object :param str skip_key: the key to skip :returns: the package metadata :rtype: dict """ package = {} if 'package' in data_type: for item in util.items(util.transcode(spider, ijson.parse, data), '', skip_key=skip_key): package.update(item) return package
[docs] class ReadDataMiddleware: """ If the item's ``data`` is a file descriptor, replaces the item's ``data`` with the file's contents and closes the file descriptor. Otherwise, yields the original item. .. seealso:: :class:`~kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders.compressed_file_spider.CompressedFileSpider` """
[docs] async def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider): """ :returns: a generator of File objects, in which the ``data`` field is bytes """ async for item in result: if not isinstance(item, File) or not hasattr(, 'read'): yield item continue read_data_from_file_if_any(item) yield item
[docs] class RetryDataErrorMiddleware: """ Retries a request up to 3 times. Either when the spider raises a ``BadZipFile`` exception, on the assumption that the response was truncated, or when the spider raises a ``RetryableError`` exception. """ #
[docs] def process_spider_exception(self, response, exception, spider): if isinstance(exception, (BadZipFile, RetryableError)): attempts = response.request.meta.get('retries', 0) + 1 if attempts > 3: spider.logger.error('Gave up retrying %(request)s (failed %(failures)d times): %(exception)s', {'request': response.request, 'failures': attempts, 'exception': exception}) return request = response.request.copy() request.dont_filter = True request.meta['retries'] = attempts spider.logger.debug('Retrying %(request)s (failed %(failures)d times): %(exception)s', {'request': response.request, 'failures': attempts, 'exception': exception}) yield request else: raise exception