Source code for kingfisher_scrapy.spiders.italy_anac

import scrapy

from kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders import SimpleSpider
from kingfisher_scrapy.util import components, handle_http_error

[docs] class ItalyANAC(SimpleSpider): """ Domain Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC) Caveats If the OCID is missing, the spider derives the ``ocid`` field from the ``id`` field. API documentation Bulk download documentation """ name = 'italy_anac' download_timeout = 99999 # SimpleSpider data_type = 'release_package' def start_requests(self): url = '' yield scrapy.Request(url, meta={'file_name': 'package_search.json'}, callback=self.parse_list) @handle_http_error def parse_list(self, response): data = response.json() for result in data['result']['results']: for resource in result['resources']: if resource['format'].upper() == 'JSON': yield self.build_request(resource['url'], formatter=components(-2)) @handle_http_error def parse(self, response): data = response.json() for release in data['releases']: # Kingfisher Process merges only releases with ocids. Extract the ocid from the release id as a fallback. # For example: ocds-hu01ve-7608611 from ocds-hu01ve-7608611-01. if 'ocid' not in release: release['ocid'] = '-'.join(release['id'].split('-')[:3]) yield self.build_file_from_response(response, data_type=self.data_type, data=data)