Source code for kingfisher_scrapy.spiders.paraguay_hacienda

import json
from datetime import datetime

import scrapy

from kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders import BaseSpider
from kingfisher_scrapy.exceptions import AccessTokenError, MissingEnvVarError
from kingfisher_scrapy.util import components, handle_http_error, parameters

[docs] class ParaguayHacienda(BaseSpider): """ Domain Ministerio de Hacienda Environment variables KINGFISHER_PARAGUAY_HACIENDA_REQUEST_TOKEN To get an API account and request token go to KINGFISHER_PARAGUAY_HACIENDA_CLIENT_SECRET Your client secret generated. Swagger API documentation """ name = 'paraguay_hacienda' custom_settings = { 'CONCURRENT_REQUESTS': 1, 'DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES': { 'kingfisher_scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.ParaguayAuthMiddleware': 543, }, } # BaseSpider dont_truncate = True # ParaguayAuthMiddleware access_token = None access_token_scheduled_at = None # The maximum age is less than the API's limit, since we don't precisely control Scrapy's scheduler. access_token_maximum_age = 14 * 60 access_token_request_failed = False requests_backlog = [] # Local max_access_token_attempts = 5 url_prefix = '' list_url_prefix = f'{url_prefix}pagos/cdp?page=' release_ids = [] @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler, *args, **kwargs): spider = super(ParaguayHacienda, cls).from_crawler(crawler, *args, **kwargs) spider.request_token = crawler.settings.get('KINGFISHER_PARAGUAY_HACIENDA_REQUEST_TOKEN') spider.client_secret = crawler.settings.get('KINGFISHER_PARAGUAY_HACIENDA_CLIENT_SECRET') if spider.request_token is None or spider.client_secret is None: raise MissingEnvVarError('KINGFISHER_PARAGUAY_HACIENDA_REQUEST_TOKEN and/or ' 'KINGFISHER_PARAGUAY_HACIENDA_CLIENT_SECRET is not set.') return spider def start_requests(self): # Paraguay Hacienda has a service that return all the ids that we need to get the releases packages # so we first iterate over this list that is paginated yield self.build_request( f'{self.list_url_prefix}1', formatter=parameters('page'), meta={ 'meta': True, 'first': True, }, # send duplicate requests when the token expired and in the continuation of requests_backlog saved. dont_filter=True, ) @handle_http_error def parse(self, response): package_url_prefix = f'{self.url_prefix}ocds/release-package/' data = response.json() # If is the first URL, we need to iterate over all the pages to get all the process ids to query if response.request.meta['first']: total = data['meta']['totalPages'] for page in range(2, total + 1): yield self.build_request( f'{self.list_url_prefix}{page}', formatter=parameters('page'), meta={ 'meta': True, 'first': False, }, dont_filter=True ) # if is a meta request it means that is the page that have the process ids to query if response.request.meta['meta']: # Now that we have the ids we iterate over them, without duplicate them, and make the # final requests for the release_package this time for row in data['results']: if row['idLlamado'] and row['idLlamado'] not in self.release_ids: self.release_ids.append(row['idLlamado']) yield self.build_request( f'{package_url_prefix}{row["idLlamado"]}', formatter=components(-1), meta={ 'meta': False, 'first': False, }, dont_filter=True ) else: yield self.build_file_from_response(response, data_type='release_package') def build_access_token_request(self, body=None, attempt=0):'Requesting access token, attempt %s of %s', attempt + 1, self.max_access_token_attempts) if body is None: body = json.dumps({"clientSecret": self.client_secret}) self.access_token_scheduled_at = return scrapy.Request( f'{self.url_prefix}auth/token', method='POST', headers={'Authorization': self.request_token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body=body, meta={'attempt': attempt + 1, 'auth': False}, callback=self.parse_access_token, dont_filter=True, priority=1000 ) def parse_access_token(self, response): if self.is_http_success(response): token = response.json().get('accessToken') if token:'New access token: %s', token) self.access_token = f'Bearer {token}' # continue scraping where it stopped after getting the token while self.requests_backlog: yield self.requests_backlog.pop(0) else: attempt = response.request.meta['attempt'] if attempt == self.max_access_token_attempts: self.logger.error('Max attempts to get an access token reached.') self.access_token_request_failed = True raise AccessTokenError() else: yield self.build_access_token_request(response.request.body, attempt=attempt) else: self.logger.error('Authentication failed. Status code: %s', response.status) self.access_token_request_failed = True raise AccessTokenError()