Source code for kingfisher_scrapy.spiders.united_kingdom_fts

import datetime

import scrapy

from kingfisher_scrapy.base_spiders import LinksSpider
from kingfisher_scrapy.util import handle_http_error, parameters

[docs] class UnitedKingdomFTS(LinksSpider): """ Domain Find a Tender Service (FTS) Spider arguments from_date Download only data from this time onward (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss format). If ``until_date`` is provided, defaults to '2021-01-01T00:00:00'. until_date Download only data until this time (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss format). If ``from_date`` is provided, defaults to now. API documentation """ name = 'united_kingdom_fts' # BaseSpider date_format = 'datetime' default_from_date = '2021-01-01T00:00:00' # SimpleSpider data_type = 'release_package' # LinksSpider formatter = staticmethod(parameters('cursor')) def start_requests(self): url = '' if self.from_date and self.until_date: from_date = self.from_date.strftime(self.date_format) until_date = self.until_date.strftime(self.date_format) url = f'{url}?updatedFrom={from_date}&updatedTo={until_date}' else: until_date = yield scrapy.Request(url, meta={'file_name': f'{until_date}.json'}, # reverse chronological order headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}) @handle_http_error def parse(self, response): # TODO: Temporary fix for # Remove this method once the issue is closed in Kingfisher Process. response = response.replace(body=response.body.replace(b'1e9999', b'9999999')) yield from super().parse(response)